It is the end of the year which means it is time for my end of the year lists! As always I am starting with the negative with my top 10 worst films of 2019. As is the case with every year this list you really have to take with a grain of salt as unlike with films of quality I don't often seek out bad films so I often don't see the real 10 worst films of the year. I also do still respect the filmmakers behind these movies as the process of filmmaking is a long and hard process. Still though these were films that I had trouble sitting through and feel like deserve a place on a list like this. Also know that this list might not perfectly follow review grades and such, it's just how I feel about the films currently after the entire year of releases.
If applicable click on a poster to see my full review of a film!
If applicable click on a poster to see my full review of a film!
#10-Aladdin2019 was the year that killed the Disney live action remakes for me. Where there was some misses in the past overwhelmingly it seemed like these remakes were taking classics and adding new layers to them deserving a place in the release schedule. 2019 took this concept of remaking animated classics and took it in the most bland and boring way possible. Aladdin was a prime example of this, stripping the life away from the animated film this was such a boring and uninspired take at this classic that simply recreated the original film just worst. Guy Ritchie's approach felt like he was simply going through the motions with the acting clearly featuring performers who were trying but failed to find the right groove as these classic characters. This was an absolute bore and sadly was the lowest point in one of the lowest years for Disney in recent memory. |
#9-Child's PlayTalk about a confused film that never felt like it found a solid tone. As a horror film this is basically complete shit, Chucky always terrified me as a child but with the absolutely horrible redesign of the doll took any fear I had for the doll away. The kills all felt lifeless and uninspired especially when the comedic side of the film is shown. With one liners at every turn it never felt like this film knew if it wanted you screaming with terror or laughing from the jokes throughout never achieving either reaction. This was easily one of the worst put together films of the year and failed to even get a real scare against me who possibly is the easiest person in the world for this movie to scare. |
#8-Black ChristmasHoly shit, I will be the first to admit that this is my introduction to the Black Christmas story but this is one of the most batshit insane movies of the year. What seemed like a standard horror movie got entangled into a plot with just the craziest mythology and social commentary I have seen in possibly any movie this year. It is cringy and disappointing to see this movie go so far down the rabbit hole. The acting is terrible and the editing ruins the only good part of the film which is the cinematography from Mark Schwartzbard. The zoom ins are laughably bad (like legit my theater was laughing at them) and it was beyond frustrating to see the film throw away it's only legitimately effective part. All the jump scares can be seen from a mile away and the story is just horrible. If done correctly maybe this could work as far as the social commentary goes but here it is horribly done creating one of the worst films of 2019 easily. |
#7-Kim PossibleBeing a Disney Channel Original Movie it is not like I expected a lot from Kim Possible and only was watching it for cheesy entertainment especially being a huge fan of the animated show and to be fair it did provide that. Not only is the plot itself horrible with its twists and turns but the acting and dialogue is beyond horrible. It is honestly kinda worth the watch though just to see how bad some of the choices are throughout the film like turning Ron into a vlogger or the completely unneeded segments of flips that come out of nowhere. It's exactly what you would expect from a live action Kim Possible Disney Channel Original Movie which is an entertaining film that is complete shit when it comes to any element of it's actual quality. |
#6-The Addams FamilyDespite not having any prior relation to the Addams Family franchise or characters I was open to the idea of a film with their classic characters but as soon as I saw the visuals from the trailers of the movie I lost all interest in the movie. This animation is honestly just so off-putting and gross for me making the film visually hard to watch. The story is also just dull and does nothing to stand out or be unique. We have seen this type of fish out of water story time and time again creating a movie that lacked anything to get engaged with or interested by. |
#5-Straight UpI know no one saw this movie being a small festival film but honestly fuck this movie. In an attempt to be a nuanced look at sexuality and relationships this is a confusing and cringy film that annoyed me greatly. These characters and their journeys not only make no sense when you actually look at attraction and relationships but also come off as problematic and just wrong at times. This is a movie that says (even if its not intentionally) sexuality is not really that important when it comes to building relationships and that if someone ends a relationship that the best course of action would be to keep pushing for it and not giving up. The dialogue and characters are also just unbearable. This is a movie you probably never heard of but trust me you shouldn't seek it out. |
#4-SerenityI will never forget when I decided to finally check out Serenity while on a flight over the summer. Even after hearing so many people talk about how crazy this film got nothing prepared me for just how insane things would get. What starts as a boring and dull relationship drama quickly falls apart as you realize what is really happening in the story. The twist of the movie is one of the wildest twists I have ever seen in a movie making absolutely no sense and adding nothing to the movie itself. At least this makes Serenity a bit entertaining to watch as you see one questionable decision after another. |
#3-CatsYikes, the trailer for Cats set it up to be visually unpleasant but the film itself is one of the hardest films to sit through of the entire year. With little plot the film is built by long song numbers that not only feel meaningless but are not even that well done. The songs are not really that memorable and the gimmick of seeing the big numbers grow old quickly. The visuals are also worst that anyone could ever imagine, it is legitimately just gross seeing these characters move around in a weirdly sexual mix of human and cat. Due to horrible friends I ended up seeing this movie again after the press screening I attended and the actual weight of the depression when I walked into the theater for Cats was the saddest I have ever been in a theater especially considering Little Women was playing in the theater directly next to ours. |
#2-HellboyI regretted it.....
Despite so many people crapping on Hellboy before it released I had a surprising amount of faith in the project. After all the trailers looked decently funny, the R rating meant it wouldn't be held back comedy wise, and David Harbour is fucking great. Sadly this movie was one of the most unbearable theater experiences of the year being a complete mess of tone and story. None of the comedy landed and the action felt equally misplaced. The film is completely incompetent when it comes to even simple scene building and absolutely is one of the worst of the year. |