This is a new series I want to start doing every month on the website, I don't really have a place where I can talk about upcoming new releases that I am excited about so once a month I will be creating a top 5 list of the films I am most anticipated for in the upcoming month. To make it simple with the ever growing amount of complicated release dates I am only going to be referring to movies that come out near me, for example a foreign film that came out in New York/Los Angeles last December might be opening near me just now so I will count that as a ____ release. Without further ado lets get into my top 5 most anticipated releases for March 2018!
#5-Thoroughbreds Anya Taylor-Joy has quickly become one of my favorite up and coming young actresses, she has proven herself in films such as The Witch and Split so whenever I hear good things about a movie that features her I get excited. The word of mouth surrounding this film is another huge reason for me anticipating its release. This film premiered at Sundance 2017 and i remember hearing so many good things about this movie, it seemed to me a real standout of the festival which over time has become more and more impressive considering that festival also contained films such as The Big Sick, Brigsby Bear, Call Me By Your Name, Colossal, Icarus, Ingrid Goes West, Mudbound, Raw, and Wind River just to name a few. If this movie is able to stand out among these amazing films I can only expect that this will be a film of similar quality. |
#4-The Leisure Seeker I try to stay away from trailers as I find it best to avoid building any expectations for a movie before going into it, however as I go to the theater plenty I inevitably see quite a few trailers including one for The Leisure Seeker. Other than the seemingly random nomination for Helen Mirren at the Golden Globes I heard very little good about this movie, but the trailer really spoke to me. It had a really inviting atmosphere that pulled me in. It seems to have a nice blend of comedy and emotion and overall looks like quite a good time. Time will tell if it lives up to these expectations for me or if it is another disappointing movie with a good trailer like Rotten Tomatoes would suggest. |
#3-A Wrinkle in Time On paper this is a movie I shouldn't care about. I have never read a single line of the book this movie is based on and have never even heard the general idea of what the book is about, but everything I have seen from this movie whether it is the people behind it or the small bits of trailers I have seen has blown me away. This world looks to be really engaging and feature some amazing visual effects that could even be in the awards discussion come this time next year. It is directed by Ava DuVernay who is the same woman to direct both Selma and the documentary 13th which I both really enjoyed It also features Oprah, what more is there to say? |
#2-Ready Player OneThere is so much for me to like about this movie. First off it is a Steven Spielberg movie who is one of the best directors of all time, whenever he makes a film no matter how small it has an atmosphere surrounding its release unlike any other. This is also based on a book I not only read but really enjoyed, it created an amazing world and story that I absolutely loved and got sucked into. But the major thing that stops me from fully expecting the best from this movie is the trailers, sure there is a general badass feeling of the sheer amount of iconic characters at display in this world, but it also looks nothing like the world I thought of when I read Ready Player One. So far from what I have seen (I have not seen the newest trailers) I do not see this world containing the story that this movie has to tell, i am very interested to see how this movie actually feels when I sit down to watch it. For now I still have an open mind about this movie but I am not necessarily expecting an A+ classic. |
#1-Isle of DogsOf course this movie is my #1, this is literally my second most anticipated movie of the year. There is no other director that has consistently taken my breath away and reignited my love for film than Wes Anderson (Denis Villeneuve is getting close though). He consistently pushes the boundary on what I think film can be and has perfected a style that has never not worked for me personally. I didn't know what to expect when he first tried out animation with The Fantastic Mr. Fox, but as with everyone else I was once again blown away with just how amazing that film was. I am beyond excited to see Anderson not just return to animation but also to see him try out a PG-13 animated movie that is not directed towards kids such as Fantastic Mr Fox was. This is another change in direction for Wes Anderson and with yet another A+ cast I could not be more excited to see him (hopefully) put out another masterpiece in an already beyond respectable filmography. |