This is a new series I want to start doing every month exclusively on my website, I don't really have a place where I can talk about upcoming new releases that I am excited about so once a month I will be creating a top 5 list of the films I am most anticipated for in the upcoming month. To make it simple with the ever growing amount of complicated release dates I am only going to be referring to movies that come out near me, for example a foreign film that came out in New York/Los Angeles last December might be opening near me just now so I will count that as a ____ release for the purpose of this series. Also if you want to check out the trailer of a film just click on its poster to be sent to the trailer! Without further ado lets get into my top 5 most anticipated releases for June 2019!
#5-I Am MotherComing out of Sundance "I Am Mother" had mixed reviews but was ultimately praised for having an interesting plot which asks some interesting questions. Considering I don't watch most trailers so these early reactions are really all I am going off of for this movie. I don't know specifics for the plot but from early reactions it sounds like a movie that it is better to go into as blind as possible. I hope that this can be another sci fi classic like Ex Machina that is able to explore the deep subject of technology but it easily could fall into being more of a Chappie that wastes its clever ideas. I hope the conversations coming out of Sundance prove to be correct and I hope this can be a surprise hit of June for most people.
I Am Mother will be released wide on Netflix on June 7th |
#4-Toy Story 4A bit of a confession time, I am not a fan of the Toy Story franchise. Everyone raves about the how amazing this series is but I find the first film to be unwatchable and all around bad. I do like the 2nd and 3rd installments more but they are far from my favorite animated movies. Therefore I really wasn't that excited when they announced that there would be another Toy Story film especially as it seems like a weak cash grab considering the franchise ended the story in a very nice way at the end of the previous movie. Yet when the actual trailer released for this film I couldn't help but become kinda interested in it. Where I still am not overly hyped for it still it does seem to be looking at this world in a very interesting way as far as what counts as a toy and these characters going through an identity crisis. I really hope this story proves to be interesting and keep the movie refreshing as you can already see some basic plot structures forming in the trailer. Maybe this will be the movie that gets me on board with the Toy Story franchise or maybe it will be another film that I feel meh about and get mad at as it wins an Oscar over actual quality animated films.
Toy Story 4 releases wide on June 21st |
#3-Late NightComing out of Sundance this year a ton of people were buzzing about Late Night and even saying it could be an Oscar contender especially for Emma Thompson and Mindy Kaling which made me pretty surprised when I saw the trailer. Not to say the trailer looks bad because it looks fantastic, but it doesn't look like an awards contender which makes me think there is some mismarketing going on but beyond that it does look really fun. I always love Mindy Kaling as she becomes more and more confident as an actor and it looks like her chemistry with Emma Thompson is off the charts. I don't know fully what to expect when this movie comes out early next month but I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited for it and am expecting to really enjoy it.
Late Night releases wide June 7th |
#2-YesterdayEven a bigger bit of a confession, I am not the biggest fan of The Beatles. Despite being one of if not the biggest and most respected bands of all time I have never considered myself to be a big fan of their music. With that being said I am really excited for this movie about their music due to the concept alone. This idea of a guy who is the only one who remembers The Beatles and uses their songs to gain fame is so creative and unique. It also helps that Danny Boyle is the director of this movie as I trust him to use this creative concept to the fullest. The trailer for this film looked great and just overall I am really excited for this movie as it looks like a great time and hopefully it delivers.
Yesterday releases wide June 28th |
#1-The Last Black Man in San FranciscoComing out of Sundance their were a surprisingly few amount of films considered to be classics of the year. Not many movies were widely regarded as something overly special or anything over "pretty good". The Last Black Man in San Francisco is one of the few films to be considered amazing, everyone who saw this movie raved about it and considering A24 is pushing it for the early summer release like they did with Hereditary last year only proves to me the strength they think this movie has. Coming from Joe Talbot who is making is feature directorial debut I have such high hopes for this movie. The trailer looks poetic and beautiful and it helps that it's setting is San Francisco which is my favorite city in the world. This movie screams quality and I think it easily is going to be my favorite film of June and possibly one of my favorite films of the year entirely.
The Last Black Man in San Francisco starts a rolling release June 7th |